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The Massachusetts Parole Board still faces big challenges despite making some improvements this past year. Its final member was approved this week, but is the body equipped to operate efficiently?
From generating buzz around their cause to getting heard on Beacon Hill, psychedelics advocates had a big March. But underneath the wins, fractures in the movement as well as external opposition could undermine legalization efforts.
Massachusetts State Police purchased cell-phone surveillance tech that civil liberties watchdogs say invites concerning violations of constitutional protections. Is it too late for privacy advocates and lawmakers to put accountability measures in place?
A roundup of recent articles from the Massachusetts independent press
Just look at what happened to the former East Cambridge courthouse property (now “40 Thorndike”) …
A roundup of recent articles from the Massachusetts independent press
London band starts North American tour in Boston, somehow not jetlagged
Cute critters take Downtown Crossing for the tenth year in a row
Costumed canines will promenade down Washington Street this Saturday for the event’s 10th anniversary
The Emerson College administration put rules in place in response to last year’s campus unrest that some community members say violate their First Amendment rights
Bay State lawmakers file multiple natural medicine-related bills in wake of ballot measure defeat
Influential body welcomes first members of color in 30-plus years, plus vets groundbreaking transgender judicial nominee


an independent, student-driven, statewide, news magazine

Editor-in-Chief: Jason Pramas
Editor-at-Large: Chris Faraone
Reporters: Claire Dunham, Jack Gorsline, Nate Homan, Madison Lucchesi, Emma Siebold, Jean Trounstine
Web Developer: John Loftus
Logo Design: Ella Nasca
Photographers: Charlotte Howard, Derek Kouyoumjian
Interns: Omotoyosi Ajisafe, Kelly Broder, Claire Dunham, Alyssa Enright, Parker Garlough, Alexandra Hill, Danielle Howe, Spencer Jacques, Madison Lucchesi, Abigail Meyers, Ellie Montemayor, Aranya Mukerji, Emma Siebold, Milagros Smith 
Interns EmeritiYaakov Aldrich (Reporter), Rachel Andriacchi, Kristin Barrett, Ben Bienstock (Assistant Editor), Taylor Brokesh (Associate Editor and Reporter), Frank Chen (Reporter), ZhaoZhou Dai, Niya Doyle (Reporter), Avery Fitzgerald, Rónán Fitzgerald, Cohavit Gil (Reporter), Elizabeth Gilbert, Jack Gorsline (Reporter), Charlotte Howard (Reporter), Jared Jacob, Margaux Jubin, Cecilia Larson, Julia Levine, Ana Lindo, Jamie Long, Bryan Liu (Assistant Editor and Reporter), Christian Maitre, Aashna Miharia (Reporter), Izzy Mitchell (Reporter), Eden Mor, Ella Nasca (Designer), Julia Norkus (Reporter), Sabine Ollivier-Yamin (Associate Editor and Reporter), Alexis Park (Marketer), Jacob Posner, Mary Randolph (Reporter), Elliot Russo (Reporter), Matthew Sage, Billy Sanders, Luis Santos (Assistant Editor), Lindsay Shachnow (Reporter), Lucy Spangler (Reporter), Sofia Waldron (Reporter), Toby Winick, Gracie Warda, Ryan Yau

HorizonMass is published by Massachusetts Media Fund, Inc. d/b/a Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism (BINJ), an IRS 501(c)(3) tax-deductible nonprofit corporation. All rights to HorizonMass content—other than works made for hire by BINJ staff, first global web rights to display HorizonMass works published by contract creators (also known as freelancers) on BINJ websites and store them on BINJ servers and staff computers, and first global syndication rights to distribute HorizonMass works published by contract creators via BINJ’s news service MassWire, unless otherwise specified on a work-by-work basis—are held by their creators. All works made for hire by BINJ staff are: Copyright Massachusetts Media Fund, Inc. d/b/a Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism (BINJ). 

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