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A Giving Tuesday appeal from BINJ, the nonprofit that brings you HorizonMass

November 28, 2023

Dear HorizonMass/BINJ readers and supporters,

Today, on Giving Tuesday, you are being asked to donate to many nonprofit organizations doing work that benefits the causes that you believe in. But what if we were to tell you that there’s a way to back all of those causes at the same time?

How? By supporting the high-quality, wide-ranging, in-depth investigative reporting we produce at the Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism.

BINJ produces hard-hitting news articles on a broad array of vital issues. We help you separate “signal from noise” concerning the subjects most important to you. We give you facts and analysis produced by trained reporters and vetted by experienced editors. Not hearsay from the internet.

Whether you’re interested in major policy areas like housing, transportation, government transparency, and prisons, or coverage of the things that make life worth living like the lively arts, BINJ brings it all directly to your inbox on a regular basis. 

Be it longform enterprise reporting that takes weeks or months to produce, or shorter, punchier feature stories that can be easily read and shared, BINJ covers important issues on the cutting edge of social change. We share this vital information via our new student-driven news outlet, HorizonMass, and we syndicate our work to independent news outlets around the state through our MassWire news service.

We also let you know about other nonprofit organizations doing great work in their areas of endeavor. Helping you ascertain which groups are worth your support. Because if you don’t hear about the good works of strong Bay State nonprofits, then you won’t know to back them.

So any donation you can make to BINJ helps us give you the information you need to target your annual giving and advocacy where it will do the most good.

Your gift today will also help us reach our 2023 target of raising $13,000 this holiday season. The first $1,000 of each individual donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar by the NewsMatch program of the Institute for Nonprofit News. Ensuring that BINJ will continue providing the vitally needed reporting that we’ve been producing over the last eight-and-a-half years.

Please support BINJ’s ground-breaking journalism in the public interest. Thanks for anything you can donate today!


Chris Faraone, Linda Pinkow, and Jason Pramas
Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism

Thanks for reading and please consider this ...

We see the importance of a strong media and the pitfalls of a lack thereof. If you appreciate articles like this and would like to see more please donate to help keep important news like this available for all to see.

Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism not only produces news but works with emerging journalists to help them shape their work and provide vital information to the public.

Started in 2015 BINJ has had dozens of hard hitting news articles that has impacted corporations and government behavior as well as shed light on what's happening where no one else is looking

BINJ operates on an undersized budget hitting far above it's weight class and is one of the leaders in local news and provides leadership in the local news ecosystem.

With your help BINJ can grow beyond it's small staff and strong cohort of freelancers to continue to provide more quality journalism for years to come.
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Or you can send us a check at the following address:

Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism

519 Somerville Ave #206

Somerville, MA 02143

Want to make a stock or in-kind donation to BINJ? Drop us an email at and we can make that happen!



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