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Fall internship cohort to start in mid-September, apply today!

The Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism, an award-winning eight-year-old investigative reporting center serving Massachusetts, is pleased to announce that we are opening recruitment for the fall 2023 cohort of our internship program.

We are seeking reporting interns and marketing interns to work for HorizonMass, our new statewide, independent, student-driven news outlet at

Reporting interns will produce news articles across a broad array of beats. Candidates with news editing experience will also be considered for an editorial internship. 

Marketing interns will help build our publication’s social media presence and subscriber base.

All interns are supervised directly by BINJ staff. The positions are remote and unpaid. Internships are typically informal, but we also work with interns participating in formal internship programs at their schools. Undergraduate (sophomores and up) and graduate students will be considered plus recent graduates.

Fast weekly intern check-in meetings. Schedule and hours are project-based and very flexible, as are the start and end dates of the internship. Easy to work around other school and work commitments. 

HorizonMass provides students the unique opportunity to team up with peers from several other Bay State colleges while working with experienced journalists to run a growing professional news brand.

Apply by emailing links to your resume and three samples of your work (published articles for reporting intern candidates, relevant projects for marketing intern candidates) to

Please share this announcement widely.

This article was produced for HorizonMass, the independent, student-driven, news outlet of the Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism, and is syndicated by BINJ’s MassWire news service.

Jason Pramas is executive director of the Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism and editor-in-chief of HorizonMass.

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Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism not only produces news but works with emerging journalists to help them shape their work and provide vital information to the public.

Started in 2015 BINJ has had dozens of hard hitting news articles that has impacted corporations and government behavior as well as shed light on what's happening where no one else is looking

BINJ operates on an undersized budget hitting far above it's weight class and is one of the leaders in local news and provides leadership in the local news ecosystem.

With your help BINJ can grow beyond it's small staff and strong cohort of freelancers to continue to provide more quality journalism for years to come.
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Or you can send us a check at the following address:

Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism

519 Somerville Ave #206

Somerville, MA 02143

Want to make a stock or in-kind donation to BINJ? Drop us an email at and we can make that happen!



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